Mixed Drinks Go Mobile
Mixed Drinks Go Mobile: How Mobile Ordering & F&B Automation Increases Productivity & Reduces Cost While Providing a Better Guest Experience
Collaboration worthy of good cheer!
A collaboration worthy of good cheer! Bbot and Smart Bar USA have teamed up to create a drinking experience that goes down as smooth as your best tequila.
Controlling your bar costs
Controlling your bar costs. Without selling one additional drink at your bar, you can increase your bottom line by effectively reducing your costs. Many bar managers and owners look to reducing costs in areas such as “over pouring” using one of the many pour control devices available on the market.
Technology Helps Calm the Staff Shortage Storm
With bars and restaurants moving towards full capacity following a tumultuous and testing time, restricted by lockdowns and a carousel of changing health guidance and business protocol, many operators are now faced with a new challenge – hiring and staying adequately staffed.